Our Values.
Our 10 Founding Values
We see empowering individual Christians in the local church as our goal in strengthening their leaders.
We believe all Five-fold Equipping gifts in Ephesians 4:11 are necessary for equipping the saints and bringing maturity in the Body of Christ. This is especially true for prophets who work alongside apostles. Therefore, acknowledged prophets who work alongside apostles and receive a recommendation from them will be considered for membership and have a seat at the table in all USCAL events.
It takes a team to do the work of the Kingdom of God. This team is described in Ephesians 4:11. If a leader functions within the scope of this description, they may apply for USCAL membership if they receive a recommendation from the apostolic leader with whom they serve, and that leader is a member in good standing of USCAL.
We recognize that nations are diverse and multicultural. Therefore, we connect leaders geographically for specific strategic interaction in their region.
We embrace those apostolic leaders who have been called and equipped to extend the Kingdom of God throughout the various spheres of society. Therefore, these leaders who are committed to Christ and their local church will be considered for membership based on their own merits if nominated by an existing member of USCAL. They will also be given opportunity to participate in the marketplace expression of ICAL, Lead Global 360.
We are first and foremost a fellowship of equals. While leadership from a national and international level is necessary to facilitate our mission, we do not provide governance for our members as some might understand a covering agency like denominations, affiliations, and networks.
USCAL is part of a larger, global organization. The Annual ICAL Conference in Dallas will be our main national gathering. USCAL and will provide special meetings for its members during the conference.
There are unique challenges to husbands and wives who are in ministry. Strong marriages are essential in church leadership. Therefore, couples are encouraged to become members together in USCAL and share the experience as husband and wife.
There is nothing more powerful than prayer and nothing more apostolic than outpourings of God’s Spirit. When Apostolic Leaders assemble, their first assignment is to pray and seek the guidance of heaven. Therefore, every gathering should prioritize prayer for the purpose of experiencing revival in the church and reformation in society.
Existing members are encouraged to bring younger ministers as guests to expose them to the apostolic grace represented in our gatherings. Under these circumstances, a young minister in relationship with an existing member may attend USCAL meetings more than once before they join. A recommendation for their membership may be submitted at any time by their sponsor.