USCAL PRAYER SUMMIT – Baltimore, MD Report by Frank Duprée
USCAL PRAYER SUMMIT - January 11-12, 2016
Monday evening the gathering began at Rock City Church in Baltimore, MD. Bishop Bart Pierce was our Host and we gathered in the Sanctuary for Worship and Prayer. Part of his worship was with us to lead us as we sang and they accompanied us as we prayed. Our Theme for the evening was set by Bishop Joseph Mattera, our National Convener. He led us to pray for the Church “To Awake”. Prayers went up and as we moved into that prayer theme the power of the Lord manifested among us. Several came to the podium and led in prayers from the heart. Then, after a sustained time of instrumental worship Bishop Pierce came forward and read from Job 39:19-25 brought to mind the characteristics of the War Horse… and encouraged us to go into the battle before us in like manner:
19 “Have you given the horse its strength or clothed its neck with a flowing mane? 20 Did you give it the ability to leap like a locust? Its majestic snorting is terrifying! 21 It paws the earth and rejoices in its strength when it charges out to battle. 22 It laughs at fear and is unafraid. It does not run from the sword. 23 The arrows rattle against it, and the spear and javelin flash. 24 It paws the ground fiercely and rushes forward into battle when the ram’s horn blows. 25 It snorts at the sound of the horn. It senses the battle in the distance. It quivers at the captain’s commands and the noise of battle.
Tuesday morning we gathered again. More members came in and Bishop Joe gave us the theme of prayer for our Nation…
Bob Englehardt prayed a powerful, dynamic prayer…
Carol Sewell prayed…
Les Bowling came forward…
Frank Dupree led us…
Al Warner prayed…
And others too. Each heart cried out and brought us into a deep sense of Unity and Conviction and Purpose…
We, The Body of Christ, matter and make a difference!
Prayer was offered for Baltimore, our Host City. A mighty, strong, powerful manifestation of God was with us. We laid hands on Bishop Bart Pierce and certain specific prophetic words were given to him. Doors were flung open in the spiritual realm!
Then Bishop Joe asked for prayer for our BRIDGE CONFERENCE taking place on June 14-15. The focus for this conference is the joining together of two generations of Apostolic Leaders… The current generation represented by USCAL and the generation that is emerging more and more; the FUTURES ALLIANCE; the new initiative of USCAL.
This is to be a movement that is birthed by the fathers but not directed by the fathers so that it is a genuine move of the Holy Spirit.
It is not to be an orchestrated event… it is to be a synergistic movement of the favor of God not bound by the ways of the past but released to the openness of the future…
We prayed that this conference will draw young men and women, business leaders and future apostles but that there will not be a preplanning, pre-programming or pre-setting anything that would limit what God wants to do in the next generation. But may we go to a new place in God!
We prayed for a Holy Contagion that would bring outbreaks in cities, communities, businesses, gatherings and meetings where GOD would show up! Where we would not define what God wants to do but that we would be OPEN to what God would do!!! Another Pentecost where people, not understanding what is happening might think they are drunk but that the power of the Holy Spirit in this next move would be as “The Ark coming into Jerusalem” where “No man puts his hand to the Ark” but that it is carried upon the “Shoulders - the Apostolic Leaders” that carry it as they should; in the Awesome fear of the Lord.
After the break today we came back and we were overcome by His Presence as the Rock City Church worshippers carried us into His Presence on the wings of their songs… These songs were written in His Presence to sustain those who come to Him… We were not disappointed…
The last prayers were led by several members of USCAL… We prayed for the Persecuted Church and especially those where ISIS is ravaging the land. With tears and intercessions, we called out to heaven one more time… Prayers of mercy, compassion and even forgiveness went up to the Throne. Repentance for the terrible acts of cruelty and murder by the Crusaders “in the Name of Christ” were made too… As Solomon had prayed: “Our fathers have sinned and we repent” was heard and The Court of Heaven was satisfied; the peace of God rested on us. The persecuted Church in the Philippines, in Nigeria along with other nations and China wafted up to Heavens Gates… Then, upon request by Bishop Joe our Host, Bishop Bart Pierce asked all those from USCAL to stand and we were surrounded by prayers from those from Rock City Church who had been praying along with us. Bishop Bart blessed us and we said our “Goodbyes” to one another. We will be back again next January, Lord willing, on the 9-10, 2017. Our prayer is that many, many more of our Members join us as we offer to God the “First Fruits” of the New Year once again.
NOTE: Eight members of the National Council were at the Summit and we gathered during the break in Bishop Bart’s office. We shared some thoughts and feelings about being together in this Holy Atmosphere of Prayer… Bob Englehart from the Catskill’s in NY said that this was the most influential and important prayer meeting he has ever been in. Les Bowling came from Ohio and commented: “It is so good to be at a Prayer meeting that is a Prayer Meeting!” Al Warner and Rob Burgio came from Buffalo and had a unique encounter here. Rob was saved in Baltimore and rejoiced to be back here in this special place. Rock City Church hosted the Presence of God for 3 ½ years from 1997 to 2000. Tommy Tenney wrote THE GOD CHASERS here at RCC during that special time. Bishop Joe shared that these were some of the reasons to hold this Prayer Summit here. Bishop Bart shared that he felt that the most powerful offering is the First Fruits Offering and by coming here in the first month of the year we were honoring God with the best we had… All I could say is that I saw the Hand of God over the Sanctuary during the afternoon season of prayer… He was “doing a new thing” and I am so excited and blessed to be a part of it.
© 2015 Bishop Frank Duprée