The Law of the Land by Jim Garlow

When the law of the land goes against what you believe—what then?

First, let me correct the question!

The issue isn’t when the law goes against what you believe—but when the law goes against what God says.

And the Bible is very clear!

Romans 13 clearly says to obey the government, but it also goes on to say the government is to be the minister of God.

In a Constitutional Republic, you are the government so your task is to make sure the government, as a minister of God—is carrying out Godly principles.

Some say, “never challenge the law.”

If the task of government is to be the minister of God—and it’s not doing that—you absolutely must speak up.  What about slavery?

What about improper treatment of women and children?



Apostles and Administrators by Frank Dupree


Millenials: Focus On a Cause by Nathan Culver