United States Coalition of Apostolic Leaders

USCAL exists to create a family of apostolic and prophetic leaders across the United States for the benefit of its members on a personal and professional level.

2025 USCAL Prospectus

Over the past year, USCAL has organized 10 of 12 Regions in the United States, appointed 10 Regional Convenors, conducted 19 Roundtables in 11 states with over 500 leaders attending from 37 States. We personally have travelled over 22,000 miles and were privileged to participate in 13 of the Roundtables.

This document is a Prospectus for the United States Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (USCAL) reviewing these activities in 2024 and casting vision for 2025. It is created to bring clarity for present USCAL members and potential members.

We Provide Our Members With…


to new ideas and other apostolic leaders that can help expand their influence regionally, nationally, & globally.


to apostolic leaders who help them grow personally and professionally.


that produces new perspectives, paradigms, and procedures.

Regional Roundtables

We believe in building relationally in a family environment where leaders can come together and learn from another while washing each other's feet in mutual love and respect.


Partner with us by making a donation and be a part of the change you want to see.

Created for apostolic leaders to experience exposure, access, & dialogue.